Breeding analysis

One main aspect of breeding livestock is the requirement to identify your best breeding stock and selection of the good or the bad for special treatment.

Just how you select the good ones or indeed even score the animals as good or bad is of course based on a number of factors. In recent years the breeding index system has been developed with many breed societies creating such schemes.

The breeding analysis view allows you to analyse the breeding performance of stock, filtering by breed, sire, age, and scrapie code for sheep.  The view also displays the breeding index, total numbers of prodegy and sexs of prodogy and the average values of prodegy weights at weighing points, thus allowing you to identify your best performing animals based on the performance of the offspring. You may select columns, sort the data, print or export the data to Microsoft Excell for further analysis.


The actual columns displayed in the analysis view are selectable from a list of available columns. You may modify the selected columns by clicking on the column selection button in the top left corner.

You are then displayed the list of available columns associated with the analysis view.

You may now sort the displayed data by any column by simply clicking on the column header. for example to list breeding ewes by their Breeding Index simply click on the 'index' column header.

To view a specific animal record all you need do is double click on the animal ear tag number.

You may also select either an individual or multiple animals by a single left click. To select multiple animals, hold the 'shift' key down.

Once you have identified the animals you want, you may transfer them to a management group by click on the 'Add to management group' button. You will then be prompted to select the management group.