Farm IT Help - Accounts - Bills


Entering bills into the system provides us with two main benefits, first the ability to control payment to suppliers and secondly the ability analyse where we are spending our money and on what.

When entering bills be carefull to enter the correct dates and be as accurate as possible. You may enter a bill in two way, either as a paid bill or an unpaid bill.

To enter a paid bill, for example a purchase that you have already paid by cash, cheque or credit card use the 'Enter Cash,Cheque or Card Purchase' option. You will still have to specify the supplier, and details of what you have purchase and how the cost breaks down, but the bill will be imediately recorded as paid.

To enter a bill that you will settle later enter the details using the enter bills option. You will then have to pay the bill later.


See Also

Entering Bills
Paying Bills