Animal Details - Weights
The animal details 'Weights' tab displays information on the animals recorded weight. If you choose to you may record the weight of the animal as it grows, recording the weight against its age.
![Anmal Weights](images/AnimalDetails-Weights.jpg)
To enter new information double click the '<new>' record entry at the bottom of the list. The following window is then displayed.
![Stock Weights](images/StockWeight.jpg)
Enter the recorded weight and select 'OK' to save the record. If the weight is a
slaughtered weight check the slaughtered box and both live and dead weights if
known, price per kilo and total price.
The weighing point lets you define a weight at a specifc point for example 100
day weight or weaning weight etc.
The session reference is a name you may assign to a group or days weighing. Wehn
importing animal weight from a Tru-Test XR3000 this defaults to the Tru-test
file name. You may then select this reference to analyse the animal weight
records for this session.
You may edit an existing record by double clicking the record.