Farm IT Help - Animal Details - Breeding

Animal Details

Breeding - Breeding Traits and EBVs (Estimated Breeding Values)

The animal details 'breeding' tab displays information on the animals breeding values including EBVs and traits. This page includes references for the animal, e.g. the Signet reference and BASCO ID. These references are then used to import and export data to and from signet.

The name of the breeding trait is defined by adding breeding traits to the system. I you are importing SIGNET EBV's the definitions are automatically added to the system.

Anmal Weights

To enter new information double click the '<new>' record entry at the bottom of the list. The following window is then displayed.

Stock Weights

Enter the details of the recorded and select 'OK' to save the record.

You may edit an existing record by double clicking the record.