Agricultural Products

FarmIT 3000 does not come with an populated list of products. There are over 5000 vet and med products available but it is unlikely you will use more than 50 of them.

However you can download this list from our FarmIT Online data server and use it to select the products you wish to import.

First Time You Purchase a New Product

The first time you purchase a product you need to either import it or enter the basic product details. The next time you buy it it will be on your list.

Product Type and Catagory / Subtype

By default VAT and Med products have the type of "Animal Medicine or Chemical Treatment", the catagory or Subtype is them the theraetic group that the product falses into. If you download the product this is defined. You may select the group manually.

In recent times the use of antimicrobial products is being monitored and you mau need to provide this information. FarmIT3000 provides reports to identify product usage by theraetic group, such as Antimicrobial, however you may need to update the catagory of the product if you have been using FarmIT 3000 for many years.

Batch Numbers

When your purchase a new product you will be prompted for the batch number. This is record by the purchase of the product not on the product definition.

Listing Products

Menu Medical Product Listing


This displays the list of product in the system..

Product List

You may double click a product to open it and modify its details. For example change the category.

Antimicrobial Product Record