Farm IT Help - AI Semen

AI Bull Semen.

You may record the delivery of Bull Semen by selecting the 'New delivery Of Bull Semen' option from the Beef Stock menu.

The Add AI Semen to Farm Stock is then displayed.

To start with you may need to add the details of the Bull to the system, especially its ear tag number, breed etc, to ensure that the calving record has all the required information, once entered the sire ear tag number will appear in the drop down list of ear tag numbers for sires.  If you don't have the sire in the system you can click on the 'Add AI Sire' button.

Select the ear tag number from the list and the Sire Name will automatically come in (if you specify it on the sire record).

Enter a description if you wish, then the details of the product, mainly  ensure that the quantity is correct and the unit, also tick the product never expires.

Once complete click the 'OK' button to save the record.

The listing of current semen stock is available from the Beef Stock Menu - 'List AI Semen Stock'

The list of current stock and other reports on bull semen, i.e deliveries, usage etc are avaliable from the reports menu.